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Michał Sakowicz

Software craftsman. Hooked on distributed systems. Proponent of simplicity. Bigger picture advocate.

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Conversion operators

Posted by Michał Sakowicz on 15 April, 2018

Conversion operators allow us to write following code:

Money m = 121.55m;

This is basically custom conversion from decimal to Money type. It’s C# basics available since its inception - but honestly, I had to look it up. I believe it’s very rarely used and I don’t remember when I last saw a piece of code using this technique. Custom conversion are implemented as class operator and they need to be declared as static. Keywords explicit and implicit are controlling if we have to use casting or not.

For example:

public class Money
    public decimal Amount;

    public Money(decimal amount)
        Amount = amount;

    // explicit decimal to Money conversion operator
    public static explicit operator Money(decimal d)
        return new Money(d);

    // implicit Money to decimal conversion operator
    public static implicit operator decimal(Money m)
        return m.Amount;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        decimal a = 121.55m;

        // explicit conversion
        Money b = (Money)a;

        // implicit conversion - no cast needed
        decimal c = b;